Bummer. Sylvia had a little emergency work to do this morning. Hopefully be done soon. I might be doing Easter morning by myself! It's okay because faith is within us, and the trappings of the world is simply that. At death we will leave everything worldly behind, as we begin our journey to God.
So, I went to Mickey Ds for a little breakfast. Nearly deserted, I poured my coffee and sat down with the paper. A man came in and said "You by your lonesome too?"
"Sure am," I answered as he staked out a close by table.
"This Easter crap," he said, "if it's invisible, maybe it doesn't exist."
Geez. Normally, I'd just shut up and ignore a comment like that. But I just hadn't had my coffee yet. I said, "You believe in love don't you? Can't hardly see that..."
Yes, I know you can see love like crazy if you know how to look. But, I hadn't had any coffee yet! In a way though, it was a fairly good answer.
He ignored me the rest of the time I was there, but I hope I gave out a little food for thought, without being too abrasive.
Happy Easter. Good Passover too. Love to you.