Have you thought about adding a BridalWalk to your plans? (That's a name I made up today...)
Here is the problem-and the solution. Bridals have been around for more than 50 years. Very nice. Much more popular in the 1970's then now...but still asked for (usually by Mom). The problem is, Bridals are a lot of trouble. You have to have your gown ready weeks and weeks before the wedding. It must stay hidden from you know who. You have to have your hair the same as on the wedding day. Can the florist match the flowers? Can you keep your gown clean? Can you keep him from seeing the previews? When you are done, you may find your wedding images may be even more exciting. Do you hang a portrait of your bridal in your living area after the wedding? Does it seem a little too much for your home? Will you end up giving it to Mom?
My solution has been an Engagement Safari. Fantastic images of the two of you in casual dress. Something that decorates you wall a lot better! These Safari's have made me nationally known, and are now wide emulated. But here is another twist -I call it the BridalWalk. On BridalWalk, he gets to be in the pictures! The portrait is of the two of you and not in the church! You can be married Saturday and begin your honeymoon Monday with the BridalWalk in between. Heck, does he have to be in a tux anyway? Do it the week after you come back from Hawaii! He can wear a suit. What are you going to do with that gown anyway? Are you having your gown cleaned after the wedding? Give the cleaners something to really work on!
It takes 2 to 3 hours of time, and the investment is $650. I will give you a $350 credit toward a gallery wrap portrait. You also get a cool webcast to show at work...or send to your friends...or to show off while your on your honeymoon...or to email that Uncle from California who didn't show up at your wedding!
Hear Heartbeats at JimRode.com
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