Last night, some photographer friends and I met with Meagan, Alli, and Julie from the magazine Brides of North Texas. It begins publication in Feb. of 2010. It looks great, with good paper stock, excellent treatment of the photography, and the most exciting part (to me) is a large section devoted to weddings you would recognize!
What I mean is, the magazine will not necessarily feature the "high society" weddings - the movie stars or captains of industry and their daughters, the oil giants putting on 20 million dollar weddings. YOUR wedding can be in the magazine.
Of course, the editors are making sure they are dealing with decent photographers! That's why they are being selective. That lady who works in the office down the hall from you-the one who does weddings on the weekend with her Cannon Rebel-she's likely not going to be able to pass the professional photographers test with her photographs.
Here's the cool part. Your wedding (perhaps we did it recently - or maybe you've booked me already) can be in the magazine for peanuts! Get in on the ground floor while the magazine skyrockets! A one page article with several photographs is only $400 (you pay the magazine, not me! I'll provide the photographs at no charge.) A two-page spread is $700! Just imagine, not only having your wedding book on your coffee table, but a cool bridal magazine there too -with your wedding in it. Do you think you could resist having one issue? I bet Mom, your Mother-in-law, Grandmother, bridesmaids will get a copy too! Would Dad show it at work? Are you kidding? Of course. You know what I'll be shooting for? The cover. Who's going to shout loudest with the biggest smile if I can get the cover -you or me?! Hah! If I can get you on the cover, I'll buy ten copies!
Contact me for details, or directly to the magazine. Brides of North Texas
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