The Artistic Difference

There is an art to photography and my fingerprint will be within every file I edit. No shortcuts. Passion for your work makes all the difference among photographers. I believe your love story can become art and should live forever.

My name is Jim Rode. My team and I create beautiful photography of your engagement and wedding. Each image will be lightly retouched and enhanced. I roam the wedding capturing fabulous moments. Many images are taken to the "darkroom" where the photographs are given my sensational fine-art treatment. My team of photographers and myself serve the greater Dallas and DFW area. I can travel nationwide for destination weddings.

Your wedding, my art. In love and art, you live forever. Jim Rode

Step inside my wedding website to see more -

Jim Rode Photographer, is located at 2101 Cedar Springs Rd., Dallas Texas. By appointment Only.

Concierge 214-347-0548

Jim 817-781-7331

Friday, August 27, 2010

Okay, let's get one thing straight. You didn't save $400 with the lesser of two videographers -going with the one that only charged $1500, you threw away $1500 dollars by choosing the bad videographer! Not only that, you damaged the fun of your wedding day because your guests suffered with that bozo and his harsh spotlight making you squint through your wedding photographs. Everyone is squinting that night. Will the guests walk away with an "opinion" about how your wedding went? You bet.

It's bad enough that so many of your wedding day images now have harsh shadows behind your head, like some cheap 1970 avant guard photography, but that harsh light went right through your makeup. You no longer "glow" and those skin imperfections are plain to see by your's forever...

I like to shoot without the light...or bounce a touch of light (say 1/8th power) off the ceiling...but now...I've got to make a decision whether or not to even the light between bride and groom -by throwing light into the scene in an effort to soften the shadow - even the light on his face (very bright) and her face (she's in the dark)...

Just because these guys spend $1500 for a camera (you might think that's a lot, but it's amateur money) doesn't mean they've got any brains or professionalism. Does the videographer in the photo (courtesy Scott V.) care that there is another pro trying to get his shots...a photographer using a long lens zoomed in from 3 feet behind him -trying to get shots of what is supposed to be a fun occasion -without his camera waving in their faces? He's got a long-lens, there is no need to be waving a camera right over the cake -putting that thing right in the face of the groom. He can step back and zoom in... No, he not only doesn't care, he doesn't know his camera has a zoom. He can get the same shot 6 feet further the light wouldn't be so harsh. No, this day seems to be about him. He's the "pro" getting the bride and groom and all eyes are watching him. He's excited. It's his day. I think he likes the thought that he will be in their wedding pictures. How sad.

But, you saved $400, right?

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Loved this article on wedding acronyms. It mostly relates to newer photographers. (Or at least, the more seasoned photographers will be nodding their heads!)

Wedding Acronyms

Friday, August 20, 2010

The Interpretation of Color is the subject of a gallery exhibition in the Mississippi Delta. This is my image chosen by the judges for inclusion in the Gallery.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Photographers Shoot-Around -from Jim Rode -Dallas wedding photographer

A while back Julie Alzaitoun, Komal Powell, Komal's friend Lulu and I met and spent a hour playing around with our cameras. These shots are all Komals. She sent me a disk to play with, and I took a spin on the raw images with a few artistic touches of her wonderful images. I loved the bicycle in the sky! She got some great shots of Julie and I standing cracking jokes and trying to keep a straight face. Komal got a great self-portrait reflected in Lulu's sunglasses, and real killer portrait shot of Julie. And then the ladies discovered a mirror...Here is a shot of the girls cracking up in front...and Komal's self-portrait in the mirror. I reversed the image so that the numbers in the image didn't read backwards. Of course, thank you for the great shot of me in the act of shooting.

Once again, all images copyright Komal Powell, with special thanks to Lulu and Julie Alzaitoun too.

For more images, go to

Friday, August 13, 2010

We all know someone serving out nation.
Try to watch this video without tears...Soldiers Homecoming Surprise

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Mississippi Delta invite: Jim Rode Photographer

"Photographers across the world are invited to explore what the term "color" means to each of them. A collection of these images are gathered, and the result is a show illustrating how vast our interpretations can be, even when we're studying the same thing."

I am proud that a photograph of mine was selected for inclusion in a Gallery exposition taking place in the Mississippi delta. As an interpretation of color, my photograph (not the one shown) is being presented as a 20x30 gallery wrap.

I decided it was not proper to include the actual image in this post before the Gallery's exposition opening so I have posted a different image from my trip to Lubbock. My trip that week was to spend a day with the fabulous Julia Woods, but naturally, if wonderful photographic opportunities present themselves...I will always turn my camera on!